

Basic concepts

Acropolis: A fortified area built on a high ground.
Agora: Market place used to keep meetings.
Aristocrats: nobles, rich landowners or rich merchants usually ruled the polis.
Assembly: A council which makes suggestions to the senate, members are usually Plebians.
Barbarians: Those tribes inside or outside of the Roman empire, who did not have the same belief, culture or civilization.
Chivalry: Religous, moral and social system, of the Middle Ages based on courage and honor.
Clergy: All the members of the church like: Pope, cardinal, arch bishop, vicar and priest.
Council: (In republic) -Senate (S)
                                -Assembly (A)
Democracy: A political system in which citizens have a say in the government of their state.
Feudalism: System of society in the middle ages based on the given land, given by the landlord to his vassal.
Gladiator: ex-soldiers, they were caught in wars and used for entertaining.
Pact: Secret agreement
Patricians: Roman name for aristocrats. (A)
Patron God: protector of the polis. (P)
Plebians: poor citizens in Rome.
Polis: A Greek name of the city-state.
Politics: to deal with the cases of the state.
Senate: a council which helps the king rule and also makes laws.
State: A group of people living in a certain area. A state has it's own rules, tax system and army.
Veteran: A soldier who has already been in a battle. A veteran could be retired.

The most important concepts to know.
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